The Psychotherapy Space
Traditional psychotherapy uses a physical room, there is a strong sense of place. Space is also about the dimension of time. Time is not shared in the way of a 50 minute appointment when using email. Online there is no shared physical or chronological space.
A Virtual Space
Together we create a meaningful and influential space - place that is a force in the therapy. My part is to bring my awareness to this, just as I am aware of these matters when working face-to-face. The confidentiality and the reliability of the communication are part of the building blocks.The William Morris Fire Screen Motif symbolises an effective virtual space that contains the work. Images, mandalas are one way to tune into the virtual container for the work. Drawings can be scanned and emailed to help build the atmosphere.
Psychotherapy is working with the unconscious, it is a journey into the unknown. Its hard to plan or organise. Yet the surface things that we can control will help our journey, in some ways they can make or break it. Even thinking about how you work with mail can be a help.
feel your feelings in a safe place
A Physical Place
In addition to the virtual space there is a physical place where you do the therapy. Your body is important and being able to feel your feelings in a safe place is important. Perhaps you can do it by the computer, perhaps in the car or walks in the hills.
You may need privacy, a couch, blankets, tissues! Make sure that if you are having feelings that you care for them on the inside and the outside!

Painting by Edouard Vuillard, Woman Sewing Before a garden Window. 1895 - from the cover of Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore amazon